Within the framework of the closing of Pride Month and National Lesbian Visibility Day, Fondo Alquimia invites the discussion "The pride of transforming the world" , where prominent activists of sexual and gender dissidents will reflect on their social organizations, the movements of the diversities and central themes that arise from the various territories of the country. Three documentaries on dissident activism as a way of life in Iquique, Concepción and Valdivia will also premiere in the space.
The activity will take place in Santiago next Friday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Salvador Allende room of the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (Condell 343, Providencia). It is an open instance with prior registration and that has accessibility conditions.
“In the current context, where even progressive groups have questioned the human rights of the communities, it is urgent to highlight the activism of the sexual and gender diversities present in the territories. It seems essential to us to make visible and value the existence of these organizations and the daily work they do to improve their lives and that of their communities. Its mere existence allows us to move towards a more democratic society with greater justice”, says María Paz Becerra, executive coordinator of Alquimia.
In this sense, he also highlighted the importance of building strong and articulated movements: "We need to work together: accepting our differences but in a logic of collaboration, of articulating, of coming together, because only together can we make the changes we need" he added.
"This is us, this is how we live" - Dissident activisms from the territories
The activity will also premiere three short documentaries from the series “Estxs somos. This is how we live”, which show activism as a way of life, framed in their experiences in organizations of sexual and gender dissidence, and their link with the territory.
On the one hand, Casa Caracola and Editorial Tierra Negra, lesbian women's organizations in Valdivia and, on the other, the collective Transforma de personas Trans y No Binaries in Concepción.
From Iquique, the short film about Yokonda Montero, a member of the Nefertiti Group, will be screened. Recorded in 2019, the short shows the reflections of the trans activist within the framework of the Social Outbreak and her hopes for social construction for everyone.