Our alliances are a fundamental part of who we are and what we do. We work in horizontal relationships, based on trust and reciprocity, mobilizing resources and promoting articulation between organizations and movements.

we are part of
We are part of Prospera. It is the global center for women's funds. It creates opportunities for greater collaboration among its members and sectors, developing skills and technical knowledge, and mobilizing resources to strengthen and support women's funds to realize womens, girls, and trans people rigth. The Prospera Network currently brings together 44 autonomous and independent women's funds. Its members work in all continents and regions and provide grants in more than 178 countries, with scope that can be national, regional or international.

We mobilize resources and contribute to the movements al together. It is made up for Alquimia Fund of Chile, Elas+ of Brazil, the Apthapi Jopueti Women's Fund of Bolivia, the Central American Women's Fund (FCAM), the Southern Women's Fund (FMS), the Lunaria Fund of Colombia, the Semillas Fund of Mexico, the Action Fund Urgent from Latin America and the Caribbean (FAU-AL).

Is an interregional alliance for democracy and societies free of fundamentalisms, where 20 women's funds from Europe and all those funds of Latin America participate. Its objective is to strengthen the feminist, LGBTIQ+ and human rights defenders movements to protect the values of freedom, democracy and diversity. Since its creation in 2019, it has been coordinated by four women's funds: Calala and the Bulgarian Women's Fund in Europe, and Alquimia and Lunaria in Latin America.

We are part of the Southern Cone Economic Justice and Care initiative. Together with the Southern Women's Fund, we formed this alliance to support organizations that are dedicated to defending and promoting the labor rights of excluded and precarious communities by the current economic model in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. These are organizations that develop collective experiences with a view to building alternative economics models that promote autonomy, the value of cares and the social rights of women and gender-sex dissidents.
